Lactose, fructose, gluten, histamine... - more and more people are suffering from food intolerances nowadays. The percentage of people with lactose intolerance alone almost doubled between 2013 and 2016. A particular increase can be observed in the age group between 18 and 25 years. 38% in this age group state that they react to various foods. In 2018, 30% of women and 20% of men stated in a survey that they were intolerant to certain foods.

The nature and extent of the reactions vary from person to person. Possible symptoms include osmotic diarrhea and abdominal cramps (lactose intolerance), cravings and depression (fructose intolerance) or sneezing fits, bronchial asthma, migraines and even heart rhythm disturbances (histamine intolerance).

In this context, a study by the Schwenninger health insurance company highlighted the main everyday problems of those affected. 45% of the participants with food intolerances stated that they felt restricted when shopping, cooking or in restaurants. In addition, 61% of these people complained about problems in finding competent support and emphasized the lack of specialized doctors. In addition, according to a survey by pronova BKK, 34 % of the participants prefer to use products they already know, so they rarely try out new products.

TIOLI has therefore set itself the task of making life easier for people with food intolerances.


Caisse d'assurance maladie Techniker. Mange quelque chose, Allemagne. Étude de la TK sur l'alimentation 2017 (2017, janvier). Abgerufen am 11.08.2019, von

La caisse d'assurance maladie Schwenninger. Étude sur les intolérances alimentaires (2015, 28 mai). Consulté le 02.08.2019, par

Pronova BKK. Santé des hommes/des femmes 2018 (2018, avril). Consulté le 01.08.2019, par

Gabele, H. (2011). L'intolérance alimentaire vue dans sa globalité. Schweiz Z Ganzheitsmed 23, 88-93.

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